Well, September has hit and it is back to the business that comes with preschool, mom's group etc. Emma is enrolled for preschool three mornings a week the key is being able to get her there and back on time with the twins in tow!!
Emma would love to try gymnastics or skating plus i would like to enroll her in clubs this fall so we shall see what she ends up doing.
Annabel is a typical two year old, always on the go and she always has something to say! She saw the dentist for the first time this week and was not overly impressed! Emma had to go as well as a couple fillings she had fell out and she will need to go back in October to have them repaired, not a fun trip but needed!
The twins are doing great, they started eating cereal and veggies a week and a half ago and are doing great. Thomas just figured out how to eat from a spoon this morning after a messy week of trying!
Leo is busy with work which is great and has intentions of going hunting in october for about a week..ahhhhhhhhh!
And I am just busy with running the house or rather maintaining it at this point in my life!
Take care everyone!